Saturday 12 November 2011


I had a go at creating an anamatic! It's a bit shaky and wobbly in places, and the sound isn't spot on. Adding to that, I'm not sure what I can or cannot create in After Effects. This is what I'm aiming for though, and I'll see what happens when I started to actually work on it.

Thursday 3 November 2011

After Effects Practice

The aim of this exercise was to manipulate several assets into an animation. They were all still images, and inherently had no animation in them. With them, we needed to create a scene of a quad bike passing across terrain. It went a lot easier than I expected, as I'd done this sort of movement before in other programs like Flash. I knew the eases and general movement that the background layers needed, to give the effect of movement. Still, I know a lot more about after effects now, as I didn't have a clue on how to animate movement, as well as a few animation presets which could come in useful later on.